Did Disneyland hire a racist White Rabbit?

Racist White Rabbit with Jason Black Jr.

Click here to see a video news story by Fox News about this lawsuit.

“A local family filed a lawsuit Monday against Disneyland over claims of racism. In August 2012, Annelia Black and her family took a trip to Disneyland to celebrate her nephew’s birthday. Upon entering the gate, the White Rabbit — a character from “Alice and Wonderland” — greeted the family,” according to ABC 10 News.

10News obtained a photo that was snapped of the smiling birthday boy next to the character. But moments earlier, the family said there was an odd exchange between the character and the child, who was reaching out.

Apparently the White Rabbit in question refused to hug the kids in question – and “after the photos were taken, the family said they watched the rabbit shower the next two children — an Asian girl and a Caucasian boy — with kisses and hugs. That’s when the Blacks said family members started crying.”

White Rabbit hands off on African American child

Disneyland offered the aggrieved family $500 in passes but only if they signed a confidential agreement.  They sued instead.  And all they want is for Disney to sue the allegedly racist cast member in the White Rabbit costume.

White Rabbit likes white kids

I never ran into any racist cast members when I was at Disney but my manager wrote me up for speaking in Spanish to one of the hotel managers – I worked in safety and was assigned to the hotels.  I reported this to H.R. and my manager was reprimanded.  The irony is that she was Hispanic herself!

That manager tried to railroad me on the way out, after I had eventually resigned to take a better job.  But I turned the mess over to the Disney Diversity Committee and that was the end of that.

So yes, there is racism at Disneyland, but no it is not generally tolerated once it comes to light.

Still you have to wonder if the cast member in question really did have a racist attitude.  The family’s lawyer is going to subpoena security video footage.  This case could get very interesting…

3 responses to “Did Disneyland hire a racist White Rabbit?

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