You have to watch this amazing time lapse video of a day at Disneyland!

Welcome to The Magic – A Disneyland Timelapse from Givot on Vimeo.

Matt Givot took his camera to Disneyland a few months ago and snapped images fast, really fast, roughly at a speed of one photo every two seconds. Why? He wanted to compress a trip to Disneyland into a minute-and-a-half thrill ride, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Matt Givot

Givot and Dan Douglas shot over 20,000 images to show the one and only Disneyland Anaheim.

In their latest time-lapse showcasing Disneyland and California Adventure, they combined artistry with technology to capture the magic Walt Disney created.

Dan Douglas

In one afternoon, they used timelapse photography to show some of the enchanting experiences guests from all over the world come to Disneyland to enjoy. The film gives a unique perspective of the colorful lights, moving crowds and entertaining rides.

Their goal was to showcase the magic experienced only at Disneyland Anaheim, showing how Walt Disney’s theme park vision from the 1930’s has become the world’s most popular theme park.

And now the gear – over 75% of this was shot using the Carl Zeiss 21m f2.8 Distagon T*. In addition to the that glass, another important element was the Formatt Hitech 3.0 Prostop IRND filter. This allowed them to stop the camera 10 stops so they could get natural looking motion blur in the middle of the day.

The motion control was created by using the emotimo Tb3 And the Dynamic Perception stage one

The music was made by the very talented Nick Bertke (Pogo)

Follow their adventures.
Instagram @mgivot @danpvp

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