The Anaheim Police were called out to Downtown Disney to investigate discarded clothing

The Anaheim Police were recently called to Disneyland when a flock of geese pooped on about 40 guests. Apparently they were also called when an unknown object was found in a tree near Downtown Disney the afternoon of Tuesday, June 3, according to the O.C. Register.

The Anaheim police set up a perimeter while they investigated the object, restricting access to some areas near the ESPN Zone. 

However the item turned out to be discarded clothing – apparently a t-shirt.

Fortunately no evacuations were ordered, and there was no threat to the public from the item.

Most folks may not know that two Anaheim police officers are always assigned to Disneyland and Downtown Disney. The Disney Resort also has a vast number of unarmed security guards at their disposal. And they utilize closed circuit TV cameras to keep an eye on their guests as well.

Disney also has bomb sniffing dogs available who are brought in when there are strange objects left behind. Those usually turn out to be backpacks or lunch bags.

Disney also recently added more security – now all visitors, even those who go to Downtown Disney, have their bags searched before then can enter the resort area.

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