
Jacob Pedroza at Downtown Disney

My son Jacob

I worked at Disneyland last year, in their safety department, leaving in July of 2011, when I was offered a job at an insurance carrier.  I take safety seriously and I must say that I was somewhat disappointed at what I experienced during  my time at Disney.

I grew up watching Disney movies and cartoons and my kids have all done so as well.  I love what Walt Disney tried to create.  But I do think that the company as a whole has at times departed from what Walt wanted to accomplish.  Nevertheless the magic still happens from time to time – and I and my nine year old son are Annual Passholders.

In this blog I will post from time to time about what is going on at Disney and will also be sure to pass along news from other Disney blogs.  If you have any story ideas let me know at editor@ocdisneyblog.com.

Thanks for reading my blog!

Art Pedroza

An OC PR & eMedia Publication.

4 responses to “About

  1. For those of us who simply stumble on this site, could you please tell us what the “OC” in your name stands for?

  2. Wow cool blog1 You may like mine 🙂

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