Category Archives: Tom Tait

Did Diaz have it coming? The OCDA cleared the cop who shot him

From the New Anaheim blog

The Orange County District Attorney released a letter today clearing Anaheim police officer Nick Bennallack, who shot and killed a gang member, Manuel Diaz last summer – an event that triggered riots in the shadow of Disneyland.

The finding by the DA set off a firestorm of complaints on news and social media – mainly asserting that there was no way the DA was going to find Bennallack guilty.

But let’s take a step back here for a moment.  Why would a cop go to all the trouble of becoming a cop just to blow his career by shooting some unarmed gang banger in the back?  Remember that most cops join the police force for the pay and benefits, and because they can be cops without having a college degree.  And cops get to retire young, with huge pensions. So why blow all of that over some pelon? Continue reading

Anaheim Mayor to host a gathering to remember the CT victims and families

Anaheim Mayor TomTait


ANAHEIM, CA – (December 14, 2012) – Anaheim Mayor Tom Tait and members of the City Council together with City staff invite the community to join them for a gathering in remembrance of the tragic events which took place in Newtown, Conn. this morning. The gathering will take place on Monday, Dec. 17 from 5-5:30 p.m. on the steps of Anaheim City Hall.

“This is a terrible loss and the entire country mourns alongside the city of Newtown,” said Mayor Tait. “I invite the Anaheim community to join me and my colleagues on Monday for a moment of prayer, silence and remembrance. Though Anaheim and Newtown are across the country, we want our friends on the east coast to know we support them. Their loss is incomprehensible.” Continue reading