Category Archives: Walt Disney

Walt Disney’s daughter, Diane, has passed away

Diane Disney MIller and Walt Disney

Picture courtesy of the Disney Characters blog

Diane Disney Miller, Walt Disney’s daughter and one of his inspirations for building the Disneyland theme park, has died at her Northern California home. She was 79, according to the Washington Post.

Disney Miller was the eldest daughter to Walt and Lillian and she was also their only full blood child. She was born on December 18th 1933 and is still alive to this day. She grew up and married a man by the name of Ronald William Miller. Diane and Ronald had 7 children, according to the Disney Characters.

Her death Tuesday was confirmed by The Walt Disney Co. The cause was complications from a fall, said Andi Wang, spokeswoman for the Walt Disney Family Museum, according to USA Today. Continue reading

Walt Disney never asked Anaheim’s residents to pay for his projects


Walt Disney with a map of Disneyland circa 1950s. (Photo credit: unknown)

Community Editorial: Would Walt Disney Have Been So Bold?


From the moment Walt Disney first set his leather loafers in the carefully plowed rows of citrus planted in our Santa Ana River bottom soil, Anaheim’s leaders welcomed him in a mutually beneficial partnership.

Our post-war city fathers accommodated Disney — within reason — back when closing Cerritos Avenue was considered a major concession to a private property owner. But as anxious as Mayor Charles Pearson was back in the ’50s to be part of Walt’s dream, he and City Manager Keith Murdoch never forgot they were stewards of the public trust, and there were lines that they never stepped across, lines Walt Disney would never ask them to cross in the first place. Continue reading