Tag Archives: Dia de Los Reyes

Disneyland to celebrate Dia de Los Reyes from Jan. 4-6, 2013

Dia de los Tres Reyes, Disneyland

Picture Courtesy of the Mouse Magic Blog

Disneyland celebrated Three Kings Day last year, to great success, and they are set to do so again on January 4-6, 2013.  What is Three Kings Day?  It is a Catholic holiday known as Epiphany Day.

In Spain and some Latin American countries, Epiphany day is called El Día de los Reyes (The Day of the Kings), i.e., the day when a group of Kings or Magi, as related in the second chapter of the gospel of Matthew, arrived to worship and bring three gifts to the baby Jesus after following a star in the heavens. This day is sometimes known as the Día de los Tres Reyes Magos (The day of the Three Royal Magi) or La Pascua de los Negros (Holy Day of the Black men) in Chile, although the latter is rarely heard.  (Source: Wikipedia). Continue reading