Tag Archives: Fatality

Cal/OSHA fines Disney Studios after man dies on Lone Ranger set

“State regulators have fined a producer of the upcoming Walt Disney Studios movie “The Lone Ranger” more than $60,000, citing numerous safety violations in connection with a crew member who died at a movie ranch in Acton,” according to the L.A. Times.

welder/water safety expert named Mike Bridger died on the L.A. movie set Friday while working inside a large water tank. Law enforcement sources told TMZ that it appeared Bridger suffered a heart attack.  Continue reading

High School band member from Long Island died during a trip to Disneyland

Joseph Tutaj

A Long Island teenager died suddenly during a trip to Disneyland with the school band. Joseph Tutaj, 15, complained of a fever shortly before he died. Tutaj and 80 members of the Seaford High School band were enjoying the trip to the theme park before tragedy struck. Tutaj played the trumpet,” according to the Inquisitr.

“On Tuesday, Tutaj was at the Santa Monica Pier when he complained of a high fever. The teen was taken to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center and died 24 hours later,” according to CBS News. Continue reading