Tag Archives: French Quarter

Have you ever had dinner at Disneyland’s exclusive Club 33?

Entrance to Disneyland's Club 33

I have been very fortunate throughout the past decade to have had the opportunity to eat at Disneyland’s exclusive Club 33 several times.  An organization I teach for holds their annual meetings there.  You have to be a member to eat there – and of our colleagues has been a Club 33 member for years.  I am told that membership costs about $10K a year.

I had the presence of mind to take pictures this time around, which was just a few weeks ago.  Here then is my personal tour of Club 33 – and a food review too. Continue reading

Celebrate New Orleans at Disneyland’s Bayou Bash, starting on 1/18

Disneyland is launching their annual New Orleans Bayou Bash again, starting on January 18.  I was in New Orleans over seven years ago, when the city was wrecked by Hurricanes Rita and Katrina.  The first part of the city to reopen for business was Bourbon Street – and while the real French Quarter was nothing like the one at Disneyland, I got to see the inspiration for Disney’s French Quarter.  Now you can have fun and celebrate the spirit of New Orleans at Disneyland, again…

From: the Disney Parks Blog: Continue reading