Tag Archives: GardenWalk

The O.C. Register refuses to run an ad slamming Anaheim Council Members

Murray and Eastman ad

From the OC Politics Blog

The Orange County Register abruptly altered its advertising policy, barring ads that challenge politicians by name, after two Anaheim city councilwomen complained to the newspaper’s new owners about ads from a local activist that criticized their support of a controversial hotel subsidy, according to the Voice of OC.

The Voice of OC reported that “The ads came from Jason Young, a City Hall blogger who opposes the council majority, which is heavily backed by Disney and other influential local business interests. In December, the Register ran an ad submitted by Young in its Anaheim weekly publications asserting that Councilwomen Kris Murray and Gail Eastman violated state law when they approved a $158-million subsidy for local hoteliers.” Continue reading

Scandals could stop Disney from wasting tax money on streetcars & hotels

By the OC Politics Blog

“Anaheim city officials are weighing whether to release a politically explosive email that raises troubling questions about whether local officials knowingly misrepresented facts to the federal government in order to obtain transportation grant funding,” according to the Voice of OC. Continue reading