Tag Archives: Orange County Health Agency

Does your favorite Disneyland restaurant have a clean bill of health?

Redd Rockett's Pizza Port

Orange County’s Board of Supervisors rejected letter grade health ratings for our restaurants, so if you visit Disneyland, or California Adventures, you won’t know if their restaurants have had any food safety issues.  But don’t despair!  You can read all about their inspections online.

Disney does have a safety department that includes several full time food safety professionals – and most of them used to work for the County of Orange Health Agency, as restaurant health inspectors.  But the turnover at restaurants can be high, and Disneyland also employs a lot of youngsters, who may lack experience.  As such the Disney restaurants have pretty lengthy inspection records, that can make for interesting reading, to say the least.

Here are links to the restaurant inspection information for all of the restaurants at Disneyland: Continue reading